Kotli Gala Bana R.S Pura, 181102 9596815551 / 8899913579 info@example.com

School Facilities

Home School Facilities


Smart class is transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools. It’s a new age technology movement that is fast becoming an imperative for schools. It is a world-class technology-enabled teaching tool in which special classrooms are created, equipped with multiple display monitors and a PC for teachers. Through the Knowledge Centre, excellent teaching resources such as animation clips, videos, pictures, diagrams, and working models are brought straight into the classrooms. Being the best School in Jammu, we have made learning an enjoyable experience for students.


The classrooms at MNDP are workshops for learning. They foster a positive learning environment that is warm and inviting as well as functional. The classrooms have been designed keeping in mind Steele’s six functions of a classroom: – security and shelter, social contact, promotes symbolic identification, task instrumentality, pleasure, and growth. They are spacious and have an exclusive display area for the students’ own work which increases collaboration among the students.


The school has a fully equipped state-of-the-art Computer Labs where complete strength of the classes can be catered at one go. The students have free access to the systems and are encouraged to exploit the system resources and in this, highly experienced and talented computer teachers and a lab assistant support them. Students are most welcomed to become a part of the top affordable CBSE school in Dehradun.


he limitless imagination of creative minds finds artistic experience in the Art classroom. Students are introduced to various Art forms and styles as the aesthetic aptitude is finely tuned and given direction.


Learning strategies comprise a set of points that assist a learner to move his limbs to enjoy and focus on body movements. Children are trained in light and classical dance forms. We have many other extra-curricular activities to offer to our students.


Music adds more interest to learning skills. Instruments are taught to encourage learning alive. We let students enjoy extra-curricular activities as well.


The Library stocks a wide range of books on fiction, on nonfiction and encyclopaedia covering a wide range of subjects across all ages and caters to the reading appetite of every student. The collection will be replenished from time to time.


Sports room comprises of various play equipment for the school. Since education also aims at the physical development of individuals we will be maintaining various sports equipment.


We ensure that adequate procedures are developed for the care of children in all aspects of pupil safety and health while they are at school. The infirmary provides adequate facilities for all children to be attended to following accident or sickness at school.


A well maintained football field would be available along with excellent coaching facilities.


Daycare is the care of a child after school which has proved to be very useful over a period of time. It provides different experiences and helps a child to interact with other children and become more cooperative.

Get In Touch

Kotli Gala Bana R.S Pura, 181102

Working Days : Monday to Saturday

Working Hours : 9am to 2pm


9596815551 / 8899913579

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